The rainy blog: July 2009
Love is rain
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
The kind of man I'm engaged to

If Mikko's giving you instructions, he'll first explain A, briefly, then jump to E, without explaining any steps in between, then talk about dinosaurs and hobbits somewhere in between. Then he'll smile and nod, satisfied at his well rounded explanation.

He thinks about details before the big picture. When he planned to propose to me, he first went and bought the champagne, about a month and a half in advance, then hid it in the garage. After Midsummer, he discovered the champagne was missing. He searched frantically for it everywhere, and came to the conclusion that my dad must have found it and been delighted to find a bottle he'd forgotten about entirely in the garage, and probably drunk it on Midsummer.

Indeed, the night before my dad went back to Azerbaijan, we were placing a bottle of sparkling wine in the fridge, planning to have a few glasses with my dad. I noticed a bottle of champagne in there, and said to Mikko - who was sitting with my dad - "Oh - there's a bottle of champagne in here!" My dad said, happily, "That's MY bottle of champagne!"

Mikko said he found it highly amusing, and since he had already bought a new bottle anyhow, thought he'd let my dad bask in the champagne bottle induced happiness!

I told my mother the story last night, and we had a good laugh around the dinner table. The only mystery we couldn't solve was WHERE the wine bottle had been between the time it went missing and when it reappeared almost a month later...

Mikko is very forgetful - he'll run around searching for a roll of tape, and then you'll have to remind him that only half an hour ago, he put it in the drawer himself.

He's very sentimental. Once when I was rocking the baby to sleep, he started crying. He cries easily - more easily than me, and mostly of happiness. Although he says that he used to cry sad tears more often.

He's romantic. He likes to think of sweet surprises for me, like carving a heart out of pine wood and leaving it for me to find. It's too bad that when it comes to bigger surprises, he's terrible at keeping it to himself, but that's just part of the charm.

Mikko's very talkative. Many nights he'll talk so long that I finally have to interrupt him with "Hold that thought - I can't hold it any more, I need to pee!!"

He's spontaneous. This is exactly how our decision to have a baby went:

"Let's have a baby."
"Really? Ok."

So, all in all, I'm happy I said yes. :)

fon @ 2:53 PM link to post * *

Tuesday, July 07, 2009
The platonist

Poor poor platonist
The world is slipping away
The perfect manner for a person no longer applies
So no longer are there perfect people
As once there were in your youth

Poor poor platonist
The older the get
The more upset you become day by day
The world is no longer yours
The role models - ashes in the air

Oh my dear platonist
Ideals have served you so well
They are the inner courtyard to your villa
The stones crumble away
The courtyard decays

Can you, platonist, be happy?
Can you face change?
For there lies the key to your happiness
But what do I know?
I, who have never recognised
That perfect manner.

fon @ 3:46 PM link to post * *