The rainy blog: July 2010
Love is rain
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Granny stuck in lift for over 24 hours

I read a bit of news this morning (and won't be following the news for a few days again as a result) that made me sad.  An old lady with epilepsy was stuck in an elevator at a public train station from Saturday afternoon to Sunday night.  The doors were made of see-through glass, so a few people had even gone to see what the commotion was about as the granny banged on the glass to attract attention.  Then, satisfied that someone was stuck there, they LEFT.

Had she pressed the emergency button?  Yes - but the elevator company received an erroneous report of an elevator stuck with nobody inside.

Is it just me, or is the extent to which people trust in the 'system' to come to the rescue a little bit extreme?

fon @ 1:08 PM link to post * *