The rainy blog: jail break
Love is rain
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
jail break

It all started with a famous jail break... How did he manage to get off the island without getting eaten my an alligator?

But then I was him. And here's how I escaped:

I told the prison warden I needed to get married, ... in the swimming pool, and swam out the drain into the beautifully green, translucent waters. And I was on a rocky island. And I knew I was being chased, but how did they know I was there? Why did I feel ok about escaping, like I'd done nothing wrong, even though my crime - murder - had been so horrendous?

I start scaling down this cliff, climbing rocks. I've got to get off this island. When I'm almost down to the water, it's dusk, and I notice I've landed in a bit of a cove, or lagoon. There are dark men with guns standing around the water. I'm not sure if they've seen me or not. I know these aren't the police that are after me. I've stumbled across some illegal trafficking of some sort. I don't know if they've seen me, and I slowly retrace my steps and hide myself in a niche.

I wake...

Time to study some philosphy!

fon @ 2:36 AM link to post * *