The rainy blog: Shaping up for honours
Love is rain
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Shaping up for honours

Today was just plain comical in linguistics...

At 13:00, I dropped in to see Kate Burridge, the honours coordinator for the school, and found that she was not there, although... she certainly was meant to be... since I was meant to be seeing her...

But, well, you never know with the department...

So anyhow, I'm waiting in front of her door for half an hour, reading the stuff on the notice board.

Nobody in the department is in man...

Then, Keith walks in...

Me: Hi Keith!

KA: Hello Fon!

Me: Do you know if Kate is coming?

KA: Oh yes - she's meant to be having a chat with me!

Me: Oh... well, ... do you mind if I steal her for five minutes when she comes first?

KA: Well, if you smile sweetly


Later, Kate walks in, obviously after a couple drinks, and signs what I need signed, leaning over a pile of paperwork somewhat maniacally...

KB: What was it I wrote last time? What was I meant to sign?

Me: Erm... like last time... that you approve?


Me: I think the thesis is worth 24 points...

KB: 24? Oh yes... I knew that! I haven't been doing this honours coordinator thing for long!

Julie walks into the office, and seeing me, covers her face with a map she's holding

JB: Oh, no! Fon! Essays to mark!

Me: Well, you know, take your time, Julie... as long as I've got the marks to get into honours... I'm happy!

JB: Well, we'll see what we can arrange...


I don't know if I should be worried about being on rather congenial terms with the lecturers... is that just weird? Nerdy? Nah..... ... ?

fon @ 6:20 PM link to post * *