Friday, November 17, 2006
Here's a strange little question... I think I've just managed to get myself another job in customer service, but this time with a health insurance company (I'm hopefully starting Dec 4). I'm strangely excited about the prospect of listening to people's health problems.
Is that just weird?
See, I just think that I'm 1) eager-to-please, 2) conceited.
Conceited? Why, you might ask. Well, I've always thought that having a desire to help others is no less a desire than any other, and a desire is always a self-loving activity. So, being eager-to-please means that I have a desire to please others... and, well... that just means that I've got a desire to please myself, and thus, I'm self-loving, ie, conceited.
Does that make sense?
fon @ 3:56 AM link to post * *