The rainy blog: Make Poverty History
Love is rain
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Make Poverty History

My previous post has a logical conclusion, which I will get to in a moment.

First, though, I'd like to say this: If I were a good and balanced person, I'd be thankful for this lesson. I'd be grateful that finally the lesson has been learned, and that I had the sense to reach those conclusions.

But I'm not grateful. In fact, I feel a little bit bitter, to be honest. But perhaps I'll feel better about it in the long run. I should feel better about it in the long run.

So here it is: The logical conclusion of my previous post is that it makes no sense to love any single person or persons above others. This leads to attachment, which leads to suffering. It leads to bias, which unfairly disadvantages some and benefits others.

It means, in practice, that I cried yesterday when I walked into the ABC store's childrens' section, because it reminded me that I would be seeing my nieces and nephews or the rest of my family for a long time to come.

It means I expect too much from Daeshy.

And, to get to the topic of this post, it means the western world can calmly spend billions on luxury goods whilst a child dies of preventable causes every three seconds in the developing world. Apparently, Australia spends more money combating obesity than what they spend on foreign aid.

So... hats off the the 19-year-old boy who organised teh concert. It was well-planned and well-organised. By making tickets free, and winnable only by raffle or competition, the event targeted an audience of mostly young people. That's great. The amount of highschool kids there was (besides annoying) heartening, because they've still got so many choices to make about their own futures, like what to study! Perhaps we'll see a higher amount of students interested in degrees in developmental studies?

It's certainly sparked my interest!

2006-11-17 make poverty history

(click on icon for more pictures!)

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