The rainy blog: And you say I never stand up for myself...
Love is rain
Saturday, January 27, 2007
And you say I never stand up for myself...

There are a few people who say I'm always busy worrying about other people and never worry about myself... well, now you would be proud of me!

I've been given a week off to work on my essays - so from Monday to Sunday this week, no work (even though I do need the money...). However, one of the managers calls me on Thursday night at 1 a.m. - while I am asleep and tells me to come in and work on Saturday night.

Ok... so I was asleep so all I remember is something about coming to work... so I message him the next day about whether he was serious - without any reply. So I call work at around 4, talk to another manager and confirm that yes, I'm supposed to be coming in on Saturday. At this stage I'm feeling pretty irritated that my workplace can expect that it is ok to call me on my week off and assume that I am just around the corner waiting to come to work at their summoning, and at any time of day, at that!

So I called the manager that called me in the middle of the night again, and for ONCE in my life, actually made a stand of my own principle to somebody! I said I don't believe that I should be working for an employer who thinks it's ok to call me in the middle of the night and talk about coming into work. And that if I don't come in on Saturday and lose my job over it, then so be it.

And I didn't lose my job... I'm a little surprised, considering one girl DID lose her job because she called in sick twice (the first time because she twister her ankle, and the second time because she was vomiting).

Point was not to berate my boss or anything. I actually found him very reasonable once I presented my case - he even asked me how my essays were going. I guess next time I don't need to be over-dramatic about it and just present my case calmly, now that I know that there is nothing wrong with standing up for my own rights sometimes :P

That said, a few months ago I heard about how my previous employer in Finland was jailed for workplace law violations ... and now apparently, he's called my father (who has taken up the usage of my old mobile number) asking for my contact - whether I would testify to the authorities because apparently, I'm objective... Interesting.

But objectively speaking, the only reason why I liked working there was because I had a good rapport with my co-worker and we made good tips as a team. I wouldn't be able to say that I stayed there for any other reason.

We'll see what happens, huh?

Back to my essays...

fon @ 4:04 AM link to post * *