The rainy blog: Sorry...
Love is rain
Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Didn't mean to worry my mother and father with my last blog. Just feeling moody, that's all.

I think it's some sort of end-of-degree blues. I even saw a counsellor the other day (I got sent there by the Arts faculty when I was trying to get out of my two summer subjects without having to pay for them and without 'F' turning up on my transcripts)... But in the end, I decided to push on with the units, and spent all of last week writing and handing in four late assignments I managed to get extensions for after turning up at the philosophy office in tears.

I didn't MEAN to cry... I just got all flustered thinking about how far behind in work I was, and how busy I've been, and how much I want to go HOME to my family!! I want to play with my little nieces and nephews!! I want to see my relatives!

I don't want to graduate and move on with life... but I guess there's not much choice, is there?

It seems that everyone I know who's graduated is now struggling to find ANY job... and a job in their field of study? Dream on! What's an Arts graduate going to be good for? Data entry? No - you need an IT degree for that nowadays!... Administration? Not even, because you need experience which you had no time to get whilst you were in uni. Travel agent? Experience. Linguist? Philosopher...? Who needs those??! So, the conclusion is this: Had I not gone to uni, I would have a pretty decent job by now. Nobody wants educated people to work in their companies anymore. Educated people spell trouble for immoral CEOs who don't want the staff analyzing the conduct of their superiors. Sad but unfortunately true. For the most part.

And then you have small companies that do have some ethics to them... but then ethics never earned anyone much money (except The Bodyshop, of course), and the smaller companies are probably bad for your career since they are sinking fast, and anyone with any morals is sinking with them...

Ladidaa di daa...

You hardly notice yourself sinking when everyone else around you is splashing about at the same level.

fon @ 8:27 PM link to post * *