The rainy blog
Love is rain
Thursday, February 01, 2007

Today was truly a meditative day... Woke up at seven, went to the gym, exercised, went to yoga class, then lay on the beach reading Edward Said's 'Orientalism' for a couple hours before coming home and making myself some lunch...

Then set off again for a walk... ended up being on my walk for a total of 2.5 hours (with small breaks)... my first stop-over was Lentil as Anything for a cup of Soy Chai Latte and a little bit of study time (I was carrying around my philosophy book)... then I found my way all down at the Marina, where I found myself a quiet little secluded spot, away from everything. I sat there for about half an hour, just staring out at the sea and singing to myself. It's funny what makes one happy, isn't it?

If "enlightenment for a wave in the ocean is the moment the wave realises that it is water", then watching the waves gently kiss the rocks beneath my feet must be analogous to learning from a thousand great teachers. I hope I've been receptive. For sure, it's made me feel a lot more clear and calm.

My quiet spot:

After that, I walked past the boats anchored at the Marina, found myself by the beach again, and walked all the way along the beach until I reached my gym again... from there, another cafe, and another exploration of my philosophy book.

On the way home, I passed what looked like a market, and found that, indeed, it was a night market, and upon arriving at home, convinced Kelvin and Agnes to come back with me to check out the action :)

St Kilda Thursday Night Market:

While I'm at it, I may as well post a couple of pictures from the weekend that passed (no, I didn't only sit at home and study). Cavish has his housewarming bbq, so naturally, we at least had to show our faces for a while)... I ended up getting into a long discussion about the linguistic innateness hypothesis and computer language with a computer scientist at the party though... Why do I always get into a heated discussion about some quasi-intellectual stuff with people at social gatherings??

Cavish's housewarming, Friday night (please don't ask me why they decided to pose hugging...?):

Monday... most eventful day this week... finished my essays and got accepted into Masters... so of course, Monday night had to have a few drinks with a couple friends :) Alex was hanging out with me from the afternoon, and as always, we pretty much spent a few hours happily singing and playing guitar. I guess that's one thing I'll miss about living around Clayton - I won't be hanging around with Alex and his guitar nearly as often as I'd like :(

Celebrating Acceptance to Masters:

A window of opportunity?

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