The rainy blog: Down with The Nation
Love is rain
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Down with The Nation

Whilst I can't proclaim myself to be an avid Thaksin supporter (far from it, in fact!), I think The Nation has taking absurdity to new heights and set themselves well in the path to becoming a tabloid with their ludicrous caption competition.

Yesterday, I dropped in on the website and found a barrage of criticism for the ridiculous competition, which have all been deleted now. A little over a year ago, The Nation, which actively promoted freedom of press and opinion during the Sonthi (media mogul, not coup leader)- Thaksin battle for public air-time now is reduced to censoring and silencing its own critics!

It's true that overall, there is more critical public opinion against Thaksin, but a newspaper's role - especially one that used to pride itself on being an informative mouthpiece for intellectual writers - should be to stimulate critical public discussion, not be the ring leader in an attempt to bully an ousted prime minister.

Shame on you! A year ago you criticised Thaksin for shutting up his critics, and now you are doing the same to yours!

fon @ 12:34 PM link to post * *