The rainy blog: First 'real' day at uni
Love is rain
Thursday, March 08, 2007
First 'real' day at uni

I feel so much better now that I've attended a class. First of all, I'm not the only one who's arrived late...

Secondly - it's great! All that reading I did doesn't feel like that much anymore because it's so interesting! There's only four of us in that class, and what a mix! One Chinese girl, one Australian girl, one Russian girl and myself. The leader of the unit is great, too! Very enthusiastic and helpful :) He even dropped me home after class, which was very kind.

I think I'll be enjoying my studies after all. I was certainly a little bit concerned about this last night.

It was also fun catching up with a few friends today... Alex and his housemate Jarrod gave me a lot of crap about how I now "look like a postgraduate" (which is about 30). And Michael provided company to the lonely task of studying :) [Hi Michael, if you are reading this]

Anyhow... I guess I should celebrate with a glass of wine [thanks Dood for providing me with a graduation present... and for the moral support yesterday evening when I was panicking about the amount of reading]...

... oh, and Sorry my dearest for being in such a crappy mood last night when you were all excited about finding a place to live.

Can't wait for class on Monday :)

fon @ 5:20 PM link to post * *