The rainy blog: There's just no catching up with work...
Love is rain
Saturday, March 24, 2007
There's just no catching up with work...

... only with people, it seems. Here's something my upbringing just hasn't equipped me with:

Knowing a lot of people.

Seriously. You see, the international school crowd may have been cliquey (is that how you spell it?), but there were only a few of them. I wasn't a very cliquey sort of person, so I did have to hang around with different groups at different times... but... at the end of the day, a clique only survives in virtue of other cliques being around, so I guess what that meant in reality was that I did a lot of moving from one corner of the room to the next, given the tiny international school setting.

But here, I seem to know a lot of different categories of people which I try very hard to mix in social contexts, and with very limited success. And then there are the friends who I know just on a one-on-one basis.

So this week alone, there's been time made for

Song Yee (Belongs to MUISS etc group and NLC group)
Richard (no grouping)
Sakil (no grouping)
Steve, Annie, Eileen, P'Nootch and P'Foam ('corporate' group?)
Jess (Pretty Dulcie)
Tenzing, Kenny, Kelvin, Agnes (people I hang out with a lot)
Michael (no grouping)
Elvira (Spaghetti Tree)
and of course, my Daeshy.

And I'm wondering why I'm so behind on readings?

Point is, if I could just catch up with everyone in one go, that would be brilliant. Why can't everyone just get along? I'm getting tired of meeting up with people to the extent that I think I should become a hermit and renounce all of humanity so that I can study! It's not that I don't have fun catching up with people... it's that it's more fun than reading through files and files of PDFs. *whinge*

Last night, Daeshy dubbed my tendency to take pictures of strange things as my "Andy Warhol Urge"

What do I do with all those pictures that I take?

Well, I'll post a couple here... my favourites from the past month:

fon @ 2:00 PM link to post * *