The rainy blog: Do not call me...
Love is rain
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Do not call me...

I just got robbed today, so the best way if anyone needs to get in touch with me is e-mail...

So yeah, if anyone is wondering, my bag, which contained my laptop, my phone and my housekeys is gone... it's been reported to the police, and I wasn't injured in any way.

So for now, if I'm home, the method to contact me is my home number, but given that I'll have to spend all my time at uni to do my work, I probably won't be home, so, as I mentioned, e-mail is a better option: f-o-n-f-o-n-v-k-@-g-m-a-i-l-.-c-o-m. I'm sure you can figure out to do with all the dashes. If you need my home number, e-mail me, but I'm not about to post it online.

More than anything, I'm annoyed at the fact that I've lost all my research for an essay I have due in soon.

fon @ 6:18 PM link to post * *