The rainy blog: arzel
Love is rain
Wednesday, August 01, 2007

The gloomy nature of relationships, was the hot topic of today's conversation. Arzel just got back from the Philippines yesterday, and so I caught up with him today, and somehow we started philosophising over beer, just like in the good old days.

It seems that what is needed for two people to remain in a genuinely working relationship is a degree of repulsion. We came to the conclusion that in order for a relationship to work, there needs to be that need to dominate somewhere in the mix - that 'I wish I could change him/her' element. Point is, when you are attracted to someone, part of what attracts is the flaws, or those things that make one feel insecure. So after a while, you try to eliminate those things that make you feel uncomfortable. And once that person is 'just right', they just aren't so exciting anymore, and the mind wonders elsewhere in search of the next 'conquest'. There's been too much gravitation towards each other. Boom. Blast. Nothing.

On the other hand, sometimes there's too much push, and people just drift apart, not really caring about the other that much, other than on the rare occasions when there's some spark.

Maybe that's why so many people of this generation are a bunch of 'degenerate nymphos' :P. Or are we?

The analogy that we came up with was protons and neutrons, with the relationship being the nucleus. There needs to be just the right amount of push and pull, positive and negative. Too much, and you get a relationship that explodes and dies (ie, like the atom bomb), and too little, and you get an atom that just doesn't hold together. Bye bye atom. Ciao relationship. Peripheral meetings?

Maybe that's why I tend to be on the restless side in my relationships. I'm too much of a control freak who just wants things my way. That doesn't bode well in love, now does it?

fon @ 4:57 AM link to post * *