The rainy blog: Haikea olo = nostalgic feeling
Love is rain
Monday, August 27, 2007
Haikea olo = nostalgic feeling

Some messages I got over last night and this morning:

"... thanks for the awesome party. Cheers ya. :)"

"Kiitos juhlista! Nyt vähän haikea mieli mutta uudet tuulet odottavat. Oli ihana kesä sun kanssa." "Thank-you for the party! Now a little nostalgic, but new winds are waiting. It was a lovely summer with you"

"Hey babe, I wanted to apologize again for this riehuminen [mucking about] yesterday. I'm so sorry I made you cry in your party and gave you a black eye! I'm a pain in the ass when I'm that drunk...."

(Just to clarify, I didn't get into a fight, and nobody really gave me a black eye ... We were just trying out some complicated dance-moves and I ended up hitting my eye on the corner of a chair ... and it's not really black... more like red - someone also ended up also almost losing a diamond ring as a result!)

I had a little bit of a "It's my party and I'll cry if I want to" situation at the party, and I'm so glad all the girls (and one certain 'gentleman') were there to make me feel loved, and got me back partying in moments!

I'm going to miss everyone soooo much after this summer!

Other than that, there's been a few nights of various activities, as you'll see from the photos:

High-so and Hobos theme farewell party:

Last days of misbehaviour:

I STILL haven't packed. Maybe it's about time now.

fon @ 10:27 PM link to post * *