The rainy blog: Les Feuilles Mortes...
Love is rain
Monday, September 24, 2007
Les Feuilles Mortes...

I don't want to elaborate on the title of this post too much, other than to state that I've spent today watching those leaves from my window, and finally realise that autumn is here...

And that in a few days, I'll be terribly off-season, and starting something new again, instead of shedding my summer leaves! Cheers to a beautiful summer, and all the people who've made it gorgeous, in Finland, in the Netherlands, in Germany, and soon, in Spain, too! To a never-ending summer (and I don't mean weather-wise - it is currently 13 degrees and raining in Bilbao)!

All I'm missing is the champagne... ah, well... back to packing...

fon @ 9:04 PM link to post * *