The rainy blog: Funky boots save the day!
Love is rain
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Funky boots save the day!

You know something is wrong when random strangers are telling you that you shouldn't be walking home alone at night, as they graciously send you home in their (very flash) car, as you apologise for being exceedingly out of it. Aargh! What was I thinking?? I suddenly decided at around 4:30 that I want to go home and that I wasn't waiting for anyone to walk the same direction as me, and that it was too late, etc. etc. But of course I started walking the wrong way, and must have looked very lost because this guy just pulls over and asks me what I'm looking for.

Aaargh! I can't believe I accepted a ride from a total stranger! I've never done such a thing in my life. But he was totally nice - he didn't even ask my name (only where I bought my boots from - cos he owns a chain in Bilbao and Barcelona and thought my boots were super funky!).

Thank-god I survived that! *Slaps own hand disapprovingly a few times*

fon @ 7:20 PM link to post * *