The rainy blog: The Edgar Diaries
Love is rain
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
The Edgar Diaries

29.09.08, 07:56 a.m.

Edgar came to Bangkok! He's under the table here at my office... I guess he drank a lot last night, and he's confused about the time... and location... he's kinda running around confused. I'm a bit worried that somebody will kill him...

Perhaps if he's still around in the evening, I should take him home?

29.09.08, 08:04 a.m.

My coworkers may think I'm insane, having introduced them to Edgar, and telling them that he's terribly hungover. But Celia and I did begin discussing, as if it was normal, the possibility of trapping Edgar in a used cardboard coffee cup and releasing him out the window. However, the conclusion we reached was that his antenna might get stuck between the lid and the rim of the cup. I think Edgar overheard us, however, and went under the divider, running into Khun Sophia's side of the office (she's not in today). But still, I thought it would be best if he hid somewhere, so I walked over and shooed him under the cabinet.

"Edgar! Don't you have any sense of self-preservation?? Shoo! Under the cabinet! Now!!"

Well, hopefully he has the good sense to stay there for the rest of the day!

30.09.08, 09:03 a.m.

I just had an encounter with Edgar. He climbed into an almost empty rubbish bin, no doubt in search of a friendly pint, but was unsuccessful, and perhaps as consolation, began sucking on a chewed up piece of gum stuck to the bottom. So, given this opportunity, I decided that I would go and release him outside, as he might better be able to cure his hangover there. So I stuck a plastic bag over the bin, and headed out with it. However, given that there was rubbish in it, of course, I had to find another rubbish bin into which to deposit the contents - Edgar, the paper, and the gum, just in case that was going to come off, too.

The best candidate for this was a slightly bigger rubbish bin located next to the parking lot, just to the right outside the building. There I headed, all the time with this irrational fear that Edgar would, in his alcohol deprived state, jump out and search me for a flask of whisky or something. Anyhow, I'm glad there weren't any witnesses. I suppose it must have been a pretty comical sight. It went something like this:

1. Fon tries to shake contents of rubbish bin and plastic bag covering it into other bin.

2. Edgar, agitated, wings ruffled, jumps out and starts running after Fon, who promptly screams, drops the bin and starts running towards the UNESCO building.

3. Fon, realising she must bring back the bin, notices that Edgar is no longer following her and thus tiptoes back, not knowing where Edgar may be hiding, and retrieves the bin, then marches back into the building looking distressed enough for the security guard to get worried and ask if she's alright...

... I think I needed to relate that event in third person to prevent re-experiencing the trauma of the whole event...

fon @ 9:04 AM link to post * *