The rainy blog: The 'joys' of induction
Love is rain
Sunday, March 08, 2009
The 'joys' of induction

Distractions are good at keeping pain at bay, so anyone reading this gets to share in on a little bit of induced labour.

Today, the idea was to ‘trick’ my body into going into labour by causing uterine contractions with the aid of an internal cream.

It seems that the body is not as easily tricked as modern medicine would like it to be. 3 doses and 11 hours later, my doctor was reporting contractions strong enough to cause a birth, but without any dilation of the cervix.

For those not in the know, the cervix, or the mouth of the uterus, needs to open 10 centimetres, at least. Mine barely made 1 centimetre in an entire day.

But of course, now I’m in a state of limbo. The medicine has after effects, which means that I’m still getting contractions that are painful enough to keep me awake, but still aren’t real labour contractions.

I don’t want a caesarean, so tomorrow will be a new attempt.

For now, I feel like there is a bowling ball resting in my pelvis.

All is not so bad – I managed to teach Mikko how to play rummy. My doctor jokingly asked if he could join in on a game, to which I responded only if he’s any good at it, since Mikko’s just learning and I’ve been playing for as long as I can remember!

Even with a triple handicap of being attached to a saline solution drip, bedridden and taking my turns between contractions, I managed to achieve a grand victory in cards, if not otherwise…

Well, here's to tomorrow's victory... be it in cards, or delivery...

fon @ 11:07 PM link to post * *